- Bärenburg ein Ringwall auf dem Bärenberg
- Tourismusverband Franken: Besonders schöne Wanderziele sind die Naturdenkmale "Schnittlinger Loch", "Massendorfer Schlucht", die "Bärenburg" (vorgeschichtlicher Ringwallanlage) und die Burg Wernfels
- Bären gibt es -als Flurnamen- bisher in 07381 Pößneck, 37355 Bernterrode, 83676 Jachenau, 85077 Manching,
- Quelle ht tp://www.tara.tcd.ie/bitstream/2262/3921/1/jssisiVolXII263_294.pdf
BARNA, BARN.—Twelve Townlands bear the designation of BARNA, and in over 80 others it forms the initial portion of the name. There are two Townlands named BARN, and about 60 others in which this word is the first syllable of the name. BARNA and BARN are anglicised forms of the Irish bearna or beam, " a gap," as Barnaboy, bearna buidhe, " yellow gap." In Scotch Gaelic the word is beam, as Barnbàuchle, " gap of danger," or " shepherd's gap" (Galloway), while in Manx it assumes the form baarney.
- Quelle wie vor. BARR.—BARR is of frequent occurrence, 14 Townlands being so designated, and about 90 having this for a prefix. It is in Irish barr, and signifies "the top," "head," or " summit " of a thing. Sometimes the second r is dropped, as Barmeen, barr min "smooth top." The word in the Gaelic of Scotland is bàrr, as Barlaugh, " calves hill" (Ayrshire.) The Manx form is baare, as Baredoo," black top." Compare Welsh bar, Cornish bar, and Breton bâr or barr.
Bärenholz bei 85129 Oberdolling im BayernAtlas
TanzbärnNest/Bärenkeller bei 91781 Weißenburg im BayernAtlas D-5-6932-0208 Abschnittsbefestigung des frühen Mittelalters und Siedlungen vor- und frühgeschichtlicher Zeit, darunter der Chamer Gruppe, der Hallstattzeit und der römischen Kaiserzeit.
Bärenloch bei 93155 Kollersried im BayernAtlas
Bärenloh bei 95706 Schirnding im BayernAtlas
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