Lateinische Sprachrelikte
im bayerischen Dialekt

  • HSB 38: Appertshofen (Ingolstadt) urk. Hartmann 61 (a. 1417) Apprechtshoven, zu den Höfen des Adbrecht (Foe I 155), nicht mit Ku 576 des Autbert.
  • HSB 45: Außerhalb der Bistumsgrenze liegen nördlich von Ingolstadt noch Appertshofen und Westerhofen (bei Stammham)-
  • HSB 46/47: *Appertshofen abgeg. bei Kastl, 1644 „völlig zu Grunde gegangen" (Pfarrarchiv Kastl), 1325 test. Castel. Achprechtshofen, zu Pn Ahabert (43).
  • Wohl von Apparatio = Zurüstung, Apparatus = Unterbeamter; Apparatio = Amt eines Weibels, eines Stadt-Knechts
  • Westlich davon die Flur Kernberg. BLfD-Eintrag: Siedlung vor- und frühgeschichtlicher Zeitstellung.
    Quelle A REVIEW OF THE General Topographical Index of Ireland 1901: CARN.—The Irish word cairn, or carn, " a heap of stones," appears in the Index many times in its anglicised form CARN, as Carnlough, carn a7 locha, " the carn of the lough or lake." There axe 47 Townlands named CARN, and over 200 where this word is the first syllable of the Townland name. CARN is frequently met with in Scotch topography, from the Gaelic cam or cairn, as Carn<och " hind's cairn or hill " (Galloway). The Manx word is also cam, as Carnageay, " cairn of the wind." Compare Welsh carn, Cornish carn, and Breton karn, " a rock " or " large stone/' and karnak and karnez, " a heap of rocks or large stones."
    CARROW, CARHOO.—CARROW or CARHOO is a very common Townland name, a " carrow" being formerly a territorial division signifying the quarter of a Townland. Over 700 Townland names bear the prefix CARROW, and there are 16 Townlands so called. CARHOO is the name of 14 Townlands, and is incorporated as a prefix in the designations of about 20 others. These words are from the Irish ceathramhadh, " a quarter of a townland," as Carrowroe, ceathramhadh ruadh, Cfc red quarter." In the Gaelic of Scotland it appears as ceathramh, as in Carminnow, " moorland quarter " '(Kircudbrightshire). The Manx form is kerroo, as Kerroo- Glass, " green quarter."
  • Flurnamen: Tiergarten = irrigatio; Brand; Ebne = emeriti

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