- Wohl von ahd. dola = Rinne, Graben, Grube. Könnte eventuell auch mit Doline = Grube zusammmenhängen. Dialekt = doich, siehe auch Dochenfeld.
- Quelle ht tp://
TULLY, TULLA, TULLAGH.—The last of these common prefixes in Townland names which may be mentioned are TULLY, TULLA, and TULLAGH, derived from the Irish word tulach, or tulaigh, meaning "a hill" or "hillock" There are 88 Townlands named TULLY, and about 500 whose names begin with TULLY in the Index, in addition to numerous Townlands whose names have TULLA and TULLAGH for the prefix. The following may be cited as examples:—Tullybrack, tulach breac," speckled hill," Tullabeg, tulaigh beag, "little hill/' Tullaghcullion, tulach cuilinn, " the hill of the holly." The Scotch Gaelic word for " a hillock" is tulach, as Tulloch, " a hillock" (Ross-shire). The corresponding word in Manx is tullagh
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Namenshäufigkeit: 85072 Wintershof
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