- Interessant wäre, welchen Namen er vor dem "Unglück" bzw. "Brand" trug.
- Quelle
Barrow (A.S.), from beorh, a hill. Other forms : borough, berg berry; e.g. Ingleborough Queensberry. ... Borough (A.S.), from beorgan, to shelter. An earthwork, and hence a fortified town. Otherforms: bury, brough, burgh, and barrow
- Quelle ht tp://
BARR.—BARR is of frequent occurrence, 14 Townlands being so designated, and about 90 having this for a prefix. It is in Irish barr, and signifies "the top," "head," or " summit " of a thing. Sometimes the second r is dropped, as Barmeen, barr min "smooth top." The word in the Gaelic of Scotland is bârr, as Barlaugh, " calves hill " (Ayrshire.) The Manx form is baare, as Baredoo," black top." Compare Welsh bar, Cornish bar, and Breton bâr or barr.
Internetsuchbegriff: abgebrannter Berg
Namenshäufigkeit: 92355 Velburg
Zurück zu Flurnamen Velburg, bitte die Ochsen anklicken.