Lateinische Sprachrelikte
im bayerischen Dialekt


Treuchtlingen: OT Gstadt, nördl.


  • statio = Stellung/Posten; statio = Schiffshafen, Schiffslände
  • Quelle Buck: Gstetten, Gstade, Ufer
  • Quelle ht tp://
    SRA, SRAGH, SRAH.—The anglicised forms SRA, SRAGH, and SRAH are from the Irish srath, " a field on the bank of a river," as Srahmore, srath mor, " great holm." There are 23 Townlands named SRA, SRAGH or SRAH, while over 100 have one or other of these words as the initial part of their names. The word srath is also found in Scotch Gaelic.

statio = Stellung/Posten; statio = Schiffshafen, Schiffslände

85050 Ingolstadt, 85072 Eichstätt (statio), 85072 Buchenhüll, 85072 Landershofen, 85072 Wimpasing,85111 Pietenfeld, 85125 Enkering, 85125 Kinding, 85137 Pfünz, 91757 Treuchtlingen

Zurück zu Flurnamen Treuchtlingen, bitte die Ochsen anklicken.