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ALT.—ALT is from the Irish alt " an eminence," " high place," " side of a glen." There are four townlands in the Index named ALT, while it is the first syllable in the namesof about 90 others, as Altaturk, alt a' tuirc, a Townland in County Armagh, which means "the glen or height of the
boar," (tore, " a boar.") Compare Scottish Gaelic and Manx alt.
Internetsuchbegriff: alach
Namenshäufigkeit: 37308 Heiligenstadt, 83676 Jachenau, 85072 Eichstätt, 85072 Landershofen, 85077 Manching, 85128 Nassenfels, 85114 Buxheim, 91171 Greding, 91174 Spalt, 91177 Thalmässing, 91177 Stauf, 91220 Schnaittach, 91247 Artelshofen, 91349 Egloffstein, 91413 Neustadt/Aisch, 91788 Pappenheim, 91809 Konstein, 92278 Illschwang-Bachetsfeld, 92345 Dietfurt, 92355 Unterwiesenacker sö hist, 92363 Bauchhaupt, 92364 Deining, 93077 Bad Abbach, 93138 Lappersdorf, 96250 Ebensfeld, 96337 Ludwigsstadt, 97355 Abtswind, 97437 Hassfurt-Wülflingen s., 97437 Haßfurt, 97453 Schonungen, 97475 Zeil am Main, 97488 Stadtlauringen, 97720 Nüdlingen, 99423 Weimar
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