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ARD.—ARD means a "height," "top," summit " eminence," and as an adjective " high " or " lofty ". It is from the Irish ard, as Ardmore, ard mor, "great height." There are 16 townlands named ARD in the Index, while this word appears over 600 times as the first syllable of compound Townland names. In Scottish Gaelic it is found in the forms aird or ard, " a height" or " promontory," as Airdrie, " high pasture run " (Lanarkshire). The Manx word is ard, as Ardwhallan, "whelp's height." Compare Cornish ard.
- Ahd. Hard oder Hart = Wald
Internetsuchbegriff: Hartholz
Namenshäufigkeit: 85298 Scheyern
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