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ROSS, ROS.—Ross and Ros are either from the Irish rosy " a promontory" or "isthmus," or rós, " a grove" or " wood," as Rossbane, ros ban, " white grove." There are 58 Townlands named Ross, and over 330 where Ross or Ros is the initial syllable of the name. The word ros, " a promontory," occurs also in the Gaelic of Scotland, as Rossdhu, " black promontory " (Dumbartonshire).
- Quelle Buck: Roß, häufig Roßberg, Roßhimmel usw. kelt. rocca, frz. roche, Fels Klippe
Internetsuchbegriffe: rhos celt. = Wald
Namenshäufigkeit: 63874 Dammbach, 83676 Jachenau, 85111 Ochsenfeld, 85116 Egweil, 85128 Nassenfels, 85132 Workerszell, 85137 Walting, 86465 Heretsried, 86641 Rain, 91187 Röttenbach, 91463 Dietersheim, 91785 Pleinfeld, 91809 Biesenhard, 91757 Treuchtlingen, 92238 Lauterhofen, 92334 Berching, 92690 Pressath, 92693 Eslarn, 93149 Nittenau, 93336 Altmannstein
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