Lateinische Sprachrelikte
im bayerischen Dialekt


Pfaffenhofen: Hummelberg


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    MAUL, MEEL.—MAUL is from the Irish meall, " a hill," " hillock," or " eminence." There are over 50 Townlands having this prefix in the Index, as Maulmore, meall mor, "great hill." In the Gaelic of Scotland the word is meall, and it forms part of the names of numbers of hills in Scotland, as Mealgarve, " rough hill " (Sutherlandshire). In Manx " a cape," " bare headland," or " top of a hill " is meayl,

hummel, mellen

85072 Eichstätt-Wasserzell, 85129 Oberdolling, 85276 Pfaffenhofen, 91220 Schnaittach, 91804 Mörnsheim, 91807 Solnhofen, 92224 Amberg, 92280 Kastl, 92342 Freystadt, 93333 Neustadt/Eining, 93336 Altmannstein, 93352 Rohr i. NB, 96126 Maroldsweisach, 96231 Staffelstein

Zurück zu Flurnamen Pfaffenhofen/Ilm, bitte die Ochsen anklicken.