- Quelle
Molt (Gaelic), a wether. Annamult, Brocklamont. auf deutsch: ein Hammel bzw. Schafsbock
- wie in aller Welt, kämen die Malteser nach Oberdolling ?
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MAUL, MEEL.—MAUL is from the Irish meall, " a hill," " hillock," or " eminence." There are over 50 Townlands having this prefix in the Index, as Maulmore, meall mor,
" great hill." In the Gaelic of Scotland the word is meall, and it forms part of the names of numbers of hills in Scotland,
as Mealgarve, " rough hill " (Sutherlandshire). In Manx " a cape," " bare headland," or " top of a hill " is meayl
Internetsuchbegriff: Malteserholz
Namenshäufigkeit: 85129 Oberdolling
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