- lat. grumus = Erdhaufen Erdhügel, Bichl = Erhebung. Event. Hügelgräber
- Quelle Eberl: grün, ahd. gruoni, mhd grüene; auch gern vom Laubwald
- Quelle Buck: Grün ahd. gruoni, mhd. grüene, gruo, grün bewachsener Platz. Im Fichtelgebirge jede Menge, wie Bischofsgrün ... man vermutet aus böhm. 'gora' = Berg. ... allein die alte Form wie Hilisgrone alias-groue sprechen eher für deutsche Herkunft. Vgl. noch ahd. cru nniu virecta Rasen.
- Quelle ht tp://
GREENAN.—There are 27 Townlands named GREENAN, in Irish grianan from grian, "the sun". This word has various meanings. According to Dr. O'Donovan's supplement to O'Reilly's Dictionary, it signifies— I. "A beautiful sunny spot". 2. "A bower" or "summer house." 3. "A balcony" or "gallery", and 4. "A royal palace". It is in the last sense that it is generally found in Irish topographical names, as the "Grianan of Aileach" in County Donegal. The word grianan also occurs in the Gaelic of Scotland, as in Grenan, "a sunny place" Bute. In Manx the word for "sunny" is grianagh or grianey, as in Ballagraney, " sunny farm."
Internetsuchbegriff: grün
Namenshäufigkeit: 85132 Schernfeld, 91804 Mühlheim, 91809 Konstein, 95632 Wunsiedel
Zurück zu Flurnamen Wellheim-Konstein, bitte die Ochsen anklicken.