- Quelle Buck: Bär ursus in vielen Namen, doch zweifellos oft mit mhd. ber, Wildschwein verwechselt, selbst in späteren Gerichtsakten.
Ban, Bar Welsh, Barr Gaelic, a hill-top. Also her; e.g. Berwyn, Tal-y-fan, Barglass. Also from bear, the crop which the land bears; e.g,: Barton, Burton
- Quelle ht tp://
BARNA, BARN.—Twelve Townlands bear the designation of BARNA, and in over 80 others it forms the initial portion of the name. There are two Townlands named BARN, and about 60 others in which this word is the first syllable of the name. BARNA and BARN are anglicised forms of the Irish bearna or beam, " a gap," as Barnaboy, bearna buidhe, " yellow gap." In Scotch Gaelic the word is beam, as Barnbkuchle, " gap of danger," or " shepherd's gap" Galloway, while in Manx it assumes the form baarney.
Internetsuchbegriff: barna barn
Namenshäufigkeit: 07381 Pößneck, 37355 Bernterrode, 83676 Jachenau, 85077 Manching, 85110 Kipfenberg, 85129 Oberdolling, 85132 Schönfeld, 91161 Hilpoltstein, 91174 Spalt, 91634 Wilburgstetten, 91717 Wassertrüdingen, 91757 Treuchtlingen, 91781 Weißenburg, 91788 Pappenheim, 91804 Mühlheim, 91807 Solnhofen, 92280 Kastl, 92289 Ursensollen, 92355 Velburg, 92693 Eslarn, 93149 Nittenau, 93155 Hemau, 95401–95448 Bayreuth, 94541 Grattersdorf, 95706 Schirnding, 96188 Stettfeld, 96337 Ludwigsstadt
Zurück zu Flurnamen Grattersdorf, bitte die Ochsen anklicken.