Originaltext: lehmig, eben, Höhe?
- Quelle ht tp://www.tara.tcd.ie/bitstream/2262/3921/1/jssisiVolXII263_294.pdf
GOL, GOUL, GOWL.—Numerous Townland names in the Index begin with the words GOL, GOUL, GOWL, which usually are derived from the Irish gabhal, " a fork " generally applied to river forks, as Goleen, " little fork " or " arm of the sea." The word gobhal, " a fork," is found in the topography of Scotland, as Gulvain, " fork of the hill" Inverness-shire. The Manx form is goll. Compare Breton gaol
Internetsuchbegriff: göh
Namenshäufigkeit: 85116 Egweil
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